The CMC project – Clusters Meet Culture: an opportunity for development, has been financed within the fourth call of the South East Europe Transnational Cooperation Programme 2007-2013. The project, aims at enhancing local clusters production and their capacity to attract tourist flows, creating awareness to combine tourism, production and culture. Five Countries are involved in the project: Italy, Hungary, Romania, Slovenia and Slovakia, and ten project partners working together to reach the expected results through various Activities: local surveys analysis of industry/culture synergies potential, definition of common PPP models, identification of local itineraries, promotion of ICT tools targeted to tourists. Please vist this website to gain additional information about the CMC Project! The main project documents and key information can be found in the download section. Updated information and progresses of the project can be followed in the news section.
See now the new clip video to introduce the Province of Rimini between taste and natural beauty.
AGENDA: Sala Consiglio Provinciale, Rimini (ITALY) 9 SEPTEMBER 2014 AFTERNOON Project final meeting Brief introduction from LP ...