Stakeholder’s point of view: interview with Mirjana Korennews

by cmc_web on 31 January 2014 with 0 comment

Stakeholder’s point of view: interview with Mirjana Koren, Director of Regional Museum Maribor How did the Regional Museum Maribor experience the European Capital of Culture (ECC) project in 2012? For the Regional Museum Maribor the key challenge of time is the integration with various publics. We encourage enthusiasm over heritage and we focus on its development …

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Stakeholder’s point of view: interview with Janez KrncSenza categoria

by cmc_web on 24 January 2014 with 0 comment

Stakeholder’s point of view: interview with Janez Krnc, BA in Ethnology and Professor of Theology Director of the Marianum Institute Veržej. The DUO Centre in Veržej has a short but a diversified history, so we can speak about a wider regional recognisability? Since 2006, the organisational unit DUO Centre – the arts and crafts centre –has been …

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Stakeholder’s point of view: interview with Ioan Ciolannews

by cmc_web on 15 January 2014 with 0 comment

Stakeholder’s point of view: interview with Ioan Ciolan, CEO of Ambient: “A company cannot exist outside its community”. In February, Ambient celebrated 20 years of strong involvement in the social and cultural projects of the communities where the company activates. Its principle regarding this direction is that of participating in the building of communities as partners. Mister Ciolan, according to your views, …

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Stakeholder’s point of view: interview with Sabin Andrian Lucanews

by cmc_web on 10 January 2014 with 0 comment

Stakeholder’s point of view: interview with Sabin Andrian Luca,  Professor Sabin Adrian Luca, PhD General Director/Manager, Brukenthal National Museum Sibiu/Romania. How was Brukenthal National Museum on the eve of the year 2007, that of the Luxembourg- Sibiu European Capital of Culture? Not very good! Buildings belonging to the institution were not restored, courtyards and lofts filled with debris, basic exhibitions halls and halls …

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